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Learn the differences between Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is a feature of Vue.js and other major frameworks but often there is some confusion between Virtual and not, so some clarification is needed

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Trends in 2017: Frameworks for the Future

A brief summary of the five most happening frameworks of 2017 and their significant impact on the future of web development.

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Display an array of images using the vue images plugin

Use this simple Lightbox Vue component to display images from an array.

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Vue.js toggle / switch button plugin

See a usage example of the Vue toggle button plugin in this quick tutorial

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SO-Quiz: Answer questions from StackOverflow, created with Vue.js

A quiz game made using with StackOverflow’s API and Vue.js, to test your knowledge on all kinds of questions.

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Vue Form Components: Create forms based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework

Using the Vue Form Components package which provides easy form wrappers for Vue, based on Bootstrap

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Article: A general comparison between two contemporary frameworks, AngularJS and Vue.js

In this article the author compares crucial technical aspects of the two present-day frameworks. Whereby, you can get to know, which framework holds the edge in considered attributes.

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Vue.js and Vanilla JS progressive-image module

Progressive image loading for Vue.js and Vanilla JavaScript

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Comparison of Datatable solutions for Vue.js

A complete comparison of different datatable solutions between vuetify, vuetiful and other datatable solutions with example code

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Using Buefy with Vue.js, Lightweight UI components based on Bulma

Usage examples of the responsive UI components of the Buefy library for Vue.js, which is based on the bulma framework.

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Offline first SPA using Vue.js, WordPress REST API and Progressive Web Apps

Live project which uses Vue.js and Progressive Web App techniques to create an offline-first web client.

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Vue component to display tree based on D3.js layout.

Generic component to display tree based on D3.js layout.

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