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Starter’s guide to open-sourcing Vue.js components

Some bits of advice, for those that own or think about starting their own open source solutions for Vue.js.

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Keen UI

Keen UI is a collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design.

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Vue Stroll

Vue Stroll is a collection of CSS list scroll effects for Vue.js with awesome CSS list effects for Vue.js

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Announcing Vuedo

Vuedo is a live example of how everything works together. The back-end is built with Laravel and the front with Vue. A lot of libraries have been combined to develop Vuedo, an open source blog platform.

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Peeking into Vue.js 2 (Part 1)

Vue.js 2 is coming and we are all excited about it. The new Vue, along with great improvements and new features (Virtual DOM, Server Side Rendering, JSX/Hyperscript support, and more), comes with a few deprecations and conversions.

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