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Vue.js Resources Archive

We have devoted a lot of time in order to collect, within Vue.js Feed, the most remarkable Vue.js resources. Our goal is to gather *everything* related to Vue in one place. Where you can learn the news, find plugins, view websites/applications built Vue, and a lot of other stuff.

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Data flow in Vue and Vuex, a closer look

Learn about data flow in Vue by reading how to create a chat in three ways, each one showing how to manage sharing state with an object, sharing state with vuex and with bindings.

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Why I believe Vue.js is poised to be the next jQuery - Peter Jang

A post by Peter Jang - Instructor at ACLearnToCode, on his believe, why Vue.js (and not React) is the new jQuery.

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Short Order Vue: a Vue 2.0 App

A little demo that has a little selection of diner food which you can order, with some changes of Vue 2, Vuex and some ES5 / ES6 magic

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Create a Single Page App With Go, Echo and Vue

A tutorial to help you build a very simple "todo" application, with Vue.js, SQLite and Echo. When finished you will be able to create tasks with a title, display the newly created tasks and delete them.

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Full Stack Radio podcast with Evan You, What's Coming in Vue.js 2.0

New Full stack radio with the creator of Vue.js about what's coming in Vue.js 2.0, by Adam Wathan

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Ruby on Rails App with Vue.js

Intergrate Vue.js to your Ruby project and see how can you securely collect and tokenize a credit card (via Stripe) for processing payments.

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Vue.js and October CMS = Vuetober Theme

This project is a theme for the October CMS with the use of Vue.js, Laravel and various other tools like Karma and Webpack.

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Vue Lazyload - lazyloading images

Vue module for lazyloading images in your applications, which works with any type of image, and support for both Vue: ^1.0.0 or ^2.0.0

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Quasar Framework - Build websites and apps with Vuejs

The new Quasar Framework helps you build simultaneously desktop,mobile, SPA websites and phone/tablet apps, with tools like Webpack, Vuex, Cordova

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Vue.js Pack - HTML Intellisense and code snippets

Download this extension to get HTML Intellisense and code snippets for the Vue.js JavaScript library at Visual Studio

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Vue.js Pens - Collection on CodePen

A collection of pens created by Christophor Wilson to test new ideas and techniques, regarding Vue.js.

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