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Cloudradioo, a web radio app build with Laravel and Vue.js

Cloudradioo plays randomly all top 50 songs from the soundcloud charts.

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Laravel 5.3 comes with Vue.js support out of the box

During the Laracon US 2016 Conference, Taylor Otwell, creator of Laravel, announced that Laravel 5.3 will come with Vue.js support out of the box.

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Crafting a Login Modal with Vuejs

A complete tutorial on how to create login - register modal with Vue.js

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Evan You interviewed on Laravel News Podcast

In the special “Laracon” edition of the podcast, the hosts of the show chat with Evan You, Taylor Otwell, Adam Wathan, and Chris Fidao who are going to give the first-day workshops at Laracon 2016.

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Nudge Your Donkey with Vue.js

Stuck between 2 choices, Nudge Your Donkey! Built with Laravel and Vue.js.

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PUGWAT.CH uses Vue.js

Overwatch pickup games. Search and arrange casuals or in-houses with specific settings.

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Q&A with Evan You

Question and Answer with Vue.js Creator - Evan You hosted by Monterail

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Vue Form Generator

A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js. Using this component creating forms will be a breeze.

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Building a dashboard using Laravel, Vue.js and Pusher

Read how and why the team at Spatie build a dashboard that displays the tasks their team should be working on.

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Showcasing Games using Vue components

A combination of Vue components and the Swiper library.

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Vue.js Paginator

VueJs Paginator is a simple but powerful plugin since it gives you access on how to render the data, instead of using a predefined table.

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ConFOMO is now using Vue.js!

Another open source project is using Vue.js:ConFOMO a simple tool that makes it easy to track your friends at conferences.

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