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Using Progressbar.js as a Vue Component

Using a Vue component to implement use of progressbar.js in a Vue.js project.

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Vue.js component styleguide generator

List all the components in your project in a catalog along with details like properties and methods by using the Vue styleguide generator

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Working Authentication in a Vue.js app with Firebase

Follow the steps to set up Firebase with its authentication UI in a Vue.js project.

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Using the VueLinkPopover component plugin for Vue.js

A customizable Twitter style popover component for Vue.js

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Gradient Hero: Gradients Collection Website made with Vue.js

A gradients hosting website for saving and sharing, powered by Vue.js

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Binding hotkeys to components with a custom Vue.js directive

A Vue directive for binding keys to use them in any way you like in your components

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Search Quickly for Tachyon Classes, with tachyons tldr made with Vue.js

A quick lookup app for tachyon classes, scales and color palette with typeahead search

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uiGradients: Beautiful color gradients for designers and developers with the power of Vue.js

The popular community tool featuring multiple gradients, now rewritten from scratch using vue-cli

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Dakika: Vue.js and Electron App for writing minutes

An Electron app that makes writing minutes easier including features like attendees acronyms, generating PDFs, recording audio and more

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Single Page Web App in Microsoft DOS style built with Vue.js

An experiment with Vue.js to create MS-DOS-like Single Page WebApp

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Using Any Javascript Library With Vue.js

An article about using libraries in combination with Vue.js tips and tricks and what to avoid.

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Font Awesome Icon Generator using Vue.js

Quickly create great looking favicons and general purpose ones

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