SO-Quiz: Answer questions from StackOverflow, created with Vue.js


Pretty much everyone who is computer science has stumbled in Stackoverflow, to find an answer which is looking for. Now you can broswe the most upvoted questions of Stackoverflow based on tags you choose (up to 3 tags & exlude up to 3 tags e.g. #javascript), and see the answers dicrectly. The So-Quiz is made using the StackOverflow’s API and Vue.js.

Stack Overflow is the largest online community for programmers to learn, share their knowledge, and advance their careers.

This project is created as a quiz based on how well someone could answer the popular questions about the languages/frameworks of their interest. See more about the original idea of the author on his post.

Go ahead and try the SO-Quiz: Quiz Yourself With Popular StackOverflow Questions.

The source code of SO-Quiz is available on GitHub for you to check, or you can try the live version.