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D3.js with Vue.js live examples

A list of Vue.js / D3.js examples to show the advantages of using D3.js along with Vue.js

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Vue.js explained through pokemon

This is a continuation on the Vue.js Pokemon Battle tutorial where several features that Vue.js offers are explained.

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Vue component wrappers for Foundation for Sites widgets

Vue component wrappers for the Foundation front-end framework version 6

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French tutorial on building mobile app with Cordova and Vue.js 2

Tutorial in French on how to build a mobile application with Vue 2 and cordova, along with a google map component.

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Choose colors with the Vue.js Color Wheel

A circular color choice and navigation with Vue.js

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Vue.js select component without the overhead of jQuery.

Get select boxes with vue-select which gives you a select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, and other highly options.

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Vue.js component for parallax image scroll effects

vue-parallaxy is a compontent for fast 60fps parallax scroll effects in vue 2.

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Dropdown component for Vue.js

This is yet another vue dropdown component.

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Toast plugin for Vue.js

vue-toasted is a material toast plugin with variety of options and styles. It is touch compatible and responsive.

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Adjustable split pane using Vue.js

Create adjustable split panes using the split-pane Vue component

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Github Search Profile app, made with VueJS 2.x

GitHub profile search application using GitHub's API , built with Vue.js

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