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Piano Flow: A music game made with Vue.js

A music game follows the piano flows, now with Vue.js. Its rhythm mode inspired by Touch Pianist.

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Rethinking validations for Vue.js

Read about validators in Vue.js and how to deal with more complex problems, using Vuelidate.

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Using ES6 arrow functions in Vue modules

Clean up your Vue modules with ES6 Arrow Functions

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Collection pipelines made with Vue.js

See how to create a pattern called the collection pipeline, build "pipelines" where data flows from one point to the other.

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An Introduction to Vue.js, Vuex, and Testing

An introduction to building and testing a Vue.js app with Vuex state management

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Higher-Order Components in Vue.js projects

The goal here in this post, is to get familiar and create a new component based (inherited) on another component.

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Paris Vue.js Meetup - dotJS edition with Evan You

A Meetup regarding Vue.js, that takes place in Paris is now on schedule. dotJS conference is just two days later, so if you are attending one you should not miss the other!

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The Majesty of Vue.js 2 (eBook) - Black Friday Deal

Today is Black Friday and The Majesty of Vue.js 2 couldn't miss the party. If you haven't read it yet, this is a great time to get it at a 40% discount. Some of the topics covered in the eBook are: Vue.js Fundamentals, Consuming an API, ECMAScript 6, Advanced Workflow, Working with Single File Components, and Dynamic Components..

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Creating Components in Vue.js: Pagination

Create Pagination Component using Laravel and Vue js

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Single Page Application Starter Kit with Laravel and Vue.js

An opinionated approach, a Single Page Application starter kit built on top of Vue.js and Laravel.

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Multiplayer online chess game - VueChess

Multiplayer online chess game made Vue.js, Nodejs, Webpack, Em6,, Mongob, and Express.

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Codemirror component for Vue.js

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