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Intergrate Quill editor in Vue.js 2 projects

Import Quill editor in Vue projects, as a component, using the example to get started

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Create charts with Vue ChartJs

It is a Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js, easily create your own chart components.

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UI elements into Vue 2.0 projects by

Element, a Vue 2.0 based component library for developers

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Salon Pricing: Beauty salon pricing app, made with Laravel and Vue.js

Beauty Salon Pricing is a beauty salon (product and service) pricing list, built with Laravel 5.3 and Vue 2.

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Electron and Vue.js project: app that sets your Mac desktop background with an image

Vue.js and Electron project for creating an application that sets your Mac OS desktop background with an Unsplash image.

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Tidy CMS made with Vue.js

Tidy CMS is a free website builder built with Vue.js

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Apply custom tags using this Vue.js 2.0 Input Tag Component

Vue.js 2.0 Input Tag can be used as a Component to help you add tags anywhere you want to

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Why Vue.js, a comparison of Vue to the big players and the choice of the Debugme team

Read about the decision of the DebugMe team to pick Vue.js to work with.

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Calendar component made with Vue 2.0

Date picker component, use it in your project with your custom options to add calendars anywhere.

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Introductory guide to Single-spa

A step-by-step guide to Single-spa the javascript metaframework

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