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Loading Bar for Vue.js 2

Simple Youtube Like Loading Bar Component For Vue.js 2.

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Use Apollo in your Vue.js app

This tutorial will help you to write GraphQL queries in your Vue.js components while using Apollo under the hood.

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Building a data viewer component from scratch, using Laravel 5.3 and Vue.js 2.0

Watch a video-tutorial on how to create from scratch a data viewer component, with Laravel and Vue.js, to fetch and display data from a database.

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A basic configuration example using Vue.js 2, Vuex, Vue-Router, and Yarn

See how you can setup a new project, using Vue 2, with Vuex, vue-router and Yarn!

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Nuxt.js, a minimalistic framework for server side rendered Vue.js applications

The new framework Nuxt.js can help you in server-rendered applications for Vue.js, which is inspired by Next.js.

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Build a mobile app with Framework7 and Vue.js

How to start a new mobile app from scratch with Framework7, VueJS and Webpack tutorial for iOS and Android.

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Elm-inspired Application State Management for Vue.js.

VuElm : State management for Vue.js, inspired by Elm architecture.

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JavaScript Guessing Game built with Vue.js

JavaScript Guessing Game is a browser quiz game built with Vue.js, including more than 100 JavaScript frameworks and libraries to test your knowledge on the JS ecosystem.

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Create a new project using Koa and Vue.js

A guide on how to setup new projects with the new framework Koa2 and Vue.js.

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Manage page meta info in Vue 2.0 components

Vue-meta is a Vue 2.0 plugin, that allows you to manage your app's meta information

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Slack clone with and Vue.js

Start from the basics, send and receive messages, and go to showing the user avatar along with each message, and crafting a login page.

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Strategies for extending Vue.js : Comparisons of some common techniques.

This tutorial might help you answer some questions about how to add support for capturing mouse events that take place within the bounds of a Vue component.

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