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Detect and decode QR codes using a Vue.js component

A Vue.js component which detects and decodes QR codes from a camera stream.

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Use an animated chevron icon component for Vue.js

Animated chevron component customizable and easy to use

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Swipe cards or elements around with VueSwing

A Vue.js wrapper for Swing cards interface

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Get sliders using the Vue Awesome Swiper component supporting SPA and SSR

Swiper component for Vue, support pc and mobile, SPA and SSR

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Preview and Download fonts for developers with Fonts4dev powered by Vue.js

Download free fonts using this simple page created with Vue.js

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Composable components for rendering progressive content like Facebook in Vue.js

A Vue component for rendering fake content while data is fetching to provide better UX and lower bounce rate.

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Vant: A Vue 2.0 Mobile UI Library

Mobile UI Components based on Vue.js

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Adapt a text input's size to its content using a custom Vue.js directive

Vue.js directive for adjusting a text input's width to fit its content.

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TekTwit: Trending tweets feed powered by Vue.js and Node.js

Read Twitter feeds or discover what's globally trending. Vue front end, Node back end. Mobile friendly. Built with Atom on 17.10 with Wayland

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PJ Blog: open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js

Presenting an open source blog ready to go combining many features

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Zircle UI : A circular zooming UI LIbrary powered by Vue.js

Zircle UI is a circular zooming user interface library based on Vue.js.

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Vue Konva: A JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue

Using Vue's components, events, and Konva library for desktop and mobile applications, you can create complex graphics and animations.

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