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Vuex Object-Relational Mapping Example Application

Vuex ORM is a plugin for Vuex to enable Object-Relational Mapping

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Test websites for speed, mobile-friendliness, security and the HTML5 doctype, using Blip powered by Vue.js

Find businesses around a location and test their websites en masse, or just test your own URL.

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Using transition components without external libraries

Use a transition component without having to use an entire CSS library by importing only the components you really need.

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Input control component for ratings: Vue Stars

Vue.js input control for ratings stars, and pretty much any symbol you would like

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VueRibbon: MS Office ribbon component, built on top of Vue

VueRibbon is a JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5 implementation of the Microsoft Office ribbon control, built on top of Vue, Vuetify and ES6.

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Add tags using an input with typeahead support

A simple tags input with typeahead support, built with Vue.js.

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Santa Claus puzzle app based on Vue.js

Easy app to code Santa Claus for kids

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Light Bootstrap Dashboard powered by Vue.js

A free dashboard template built on top of Bootstrap 4 made with Vue.js, chartist, google-maps and several other plugins/components.

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Vue.js Frameworks & Libraries to use in your next project

Known and least known frameworks based on Vue that can make building stuff a lot faster!

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Help the user pick colors with a Vue.js component

Vue Swatches is a UI Component for Vue that allows the user to choose colors.

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WP Vue is a Vue blog template

A simple Vue.js powered blog that displays results from any WordPress REST endpoint

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Easy to use css spinners collection with Vue.js integration

Epic Spinners is a collection of spinners made with only CSS and Vue.js

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