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Vue-i18n: Implement Internationalization in Vue 3

Check out this cool plugin to add internationalization to your vuejs app!

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Tutorial: Download file with Vue js and Axios

Check out how you can build a cool file download feature using axios and vue js!

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Free Weekend offers access to all Vue School courses

For the first time ever, Vue School are unlocking ALL 800+ lessons for you to access for FREE.

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Why You Should Start Front-End by Learning Vue.js

Read about Vue's growth, how it helps build new projects with ease, and why it is getting more traction everyday (apart from the fact that it is easy to learn).

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Implement face recoginiton in your Vue.js app with FaceIO.

Check out how you can add a face recognition authentication feature to your vue js app!

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100 Developer Meetups to find your local Vue.js tribe

Check out this list of Vue.js developer meet-ups to find one close to you!

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The best Vue.js Black Friday deals in 2020

Black Friday is here, and it’s the best time of the year to invest in your career!

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Vue.js Animated Dropdown Menu

SVG icons in Dropdown Menu powered by Vue.js

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Readme Pro: A Readme Generator built with Vue.js

This amazing Readme Generator was built with Vue.js. Check it out!

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The Path to Master Vue.js

Looking for a path to becoming a Jedi-level Vue Master?

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Geenes: The color scale tool for designers and coders

This is a tool for designers and developers who need to generate and export color scales to build their UI

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Monefy Web: A web layer for Monefy, the personal finance management tool.

Monefy-web is an unofficial web-layer for the analysis of financial records produced by the free-to-use Monefy app, powered by Vue

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