A mini social network SPA powered by Vue.js

Vue Single-Page-Social-Network

A single-page-application for a simple social network powered by Vue.js, Node & Express. The project is open-source and you find it on its repository. While running the project open vue-devtools to see how components work when data change. Express.js is used for routing and Handlebars.js used for templating, while single file components compose the pages of the app. Take your time and explore the code!


  • Handlebars semantic templates
  • Sign-up
  • Login
  • Create new posts
  • Explore to discover other people's profiles
  • Deactivate your account
  • Profile stats
  • Edit Profile
  • Logout

Other Versions


Below are some screenshots showcasing most of the app's features and functions.

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Instalation & Usage

First you must have the latest node.js version (above v8). Also, make sure to have installed nodemon. After cloning the project and making it your own follow the steps to get it up and running.

  1. Install all dependencies with npm or Yarn:

    npm install


  2. Open PHPMyAdmin, create a Database & import db.sql file.
  3. Create a .env file and insert the following code. Replace the values with your own.

    PORT=YOUR_PORT // desired port to localhost
    MYSQL_USER="user" // your username
    MYSQL_PASSWORD="password" // your password
    MYSQL_DATABASE="db" // name of created DB
  4. Start the server
    npm start [OR] yarn start

At this step you might come across some errors, check your node services.

  1. Now run the app

    localhost:[PORT] PORT=3917 (By default)


  2. Enjoy!!

The SPA Vue Social-Network is open-source & hosted on GitHub under an MIT license.